Last Wednesday, the model and performing artist Nusrat Faria's new photograph set was set. Essentially, this is the well known on-screen character of two Bengalis who went to Calcutta for this. Prior to going, he said that he will participate in a show in Calcutta just as the new arrangement of photograph sets.
Furthermore, go to Mumbai for five days. Complete a promotion shoot there. Bali hair oil is a result of India's items. This is the initial segment of any Indian commercial.
It is realized that shooting of Nusrat Faria's new notice will start tomorrow. At that point he will profit to Calcutta for March 26th.
At that point he will begin shooting new motion picture named Marriage Campaign. Berisa Dasgupta will coordinate the film.
Also, in the film inverse performing artist Nusrat Faria, the on-screen character will play the well known performer of Kolkata. Prior, Nusrat Faria and Ankush performed in the joint creation of Ashiqi.