Current executive Abdul Jalil will pick pontoon image in Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur. Upazila Awami League President Shamsul Alam Chief is battling against the cruiser image. He has just a single day in his grasp. Finally, the two hopefuls are meandering around their way to the voters' entryway.
In the interim, on the online networking Facebook, both the supporters of the applicants have gathered counter-response. No one is allowed to limit.
Jahidul Alam Robin, general secretary of the region, composed on his Facebook divider that instruction sold by the guardians of the region Awami League can be held against Sheik Hasina's choice. The watercraft can likewise be taken against. In any case, this squabble does not work in my life. I was supportive of the vessel and I will be there.